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LIST_DISTINCT(<table>.<column>, <start>, <end>)


Generates a list of all distinct values in the specified <table>.<column> column starting from <start> days to <end> days. When used in the target field, the time period should be positive (in the future). When used in a temporal filter field, the time period should be negative (in the past).

This operator can be applied to columns of any type.

For an optimal user experience, Kumo recommends limiting the use of LIST_DISTINCT to cases where the number of possible return values is less than 1000.



Training Considerations

  • Kumo runs your pQuery over many historic slices of data and across all entities that meet your filter criteria to generate training examples.
  • If for a given entity and historic data slice there are no fact rows to aggregate over, this training example will be dropped. Thus, the operator makes the implicit assumption that for every entity a prediction is generated for, that entity has at least one fact row in the prediction horizon.