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metrics: <list[str]> (Optional)


The metrics field defines the metrics used to evaluate your model's performance. Metrics vary depending on the task type, and attempting to use incompatible metrics will result in a validation error.

Supported Task Types

  • All

Available Extra Metrics

Task TypeOptions
Binary Classificationacc,auroc, auprc, ap, f1,ndcg, ndcg@k,precision,precision@k,recall,recall@k; for k = 1, 10, and 100
Multiclass Classificationacc, f1, precision, recall
Multilabel Classificationacc,f1, precision, recall; auroc,auprc, ap supported only with suffixes _macro, _micro, and _per_label
Multilabel Rankingf1@k, map@k, mrr@k, ndcg@k, precision@k, recall@k; for k = 1, 10, and 100
Link Predictionf1@k, map@k, mrr@k, ndcg@k, precision@k, recall@k; for k = 1, 10, and 100
Regressionmae, mape, mse, rmse, smape
Forecastingmae, mse, rmse, smape, mape, neg_binamial, normal, lognormal


The metrics for link prediction include map@1, map@10, and map@100 by default. However, you can customize these metrics as shown below:

metrics: [map@12]

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