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majority_sampling_ratio: <float> (Optional)


This ratio specifies how examples are sampled from the majority class when the task is binary classification.
This means that for every example in the minority class, we sample majority_sampling_ratio number of examples from the majority class. majority_sampling_ratio must be > 0 in case it is specified.

For example, a ratio of 10 means that we will sample the examples of the majority class with ratio 1:10, or 10 majority class examples for every minority class example.

If the ratio of majority:minority is greater than majority_sampling_ratio:1, we will sample uniformly, ignoring this value.

For example, if the ratio of majority:minority = 10:1 and we choose majority_sampling_ratio=9 then we will ignore this setting.

Supported Task Types

  • Binary Classification

Default Values

run_modeDefault Value