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What network ports does the Kumo application require access to, and why are these ports opened?

The following is a list of network ports that Kumo requires access to:

Temporal Cloud

  • Port: preprod.put0h.tmprl.cloud:7233
    Allows access to Temporal Cloud for enabling workflow orchestration and execution for the Kumo application.
  • AWS resources:
    • Port: secretsmanager.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
      AWS Secrets Manager contains secrets Kumo uses to access other AWS services. No customer data or secrets are written to this.
    • Port: kumo-pyspark-venv.s3.amazonaws.com, kumo-pyspark-venv.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
      These buckets contain library dependencies used by Kumo. The Kumo Native app downloads these dependencies on startup and does not write any data to these buckets.


  • Port: api.mixpanel.com
    Allows access to Mixpanel for logging product usage stats. While optional, enabling Mixpanel will allow Kumo's customer success team to provide better support to users by counting which pages were visited in the UI and how many errors they encountered. No Snowflake data, metadata (e.g., predictive queries, table names, etc.), or error logs are written to Mixpanel from the Kumo Native app.

Your Snowflake Account

  • Port: Extracted dynamically by the CREATE_SNOWFLAKE_ALLOW_LIST procedure.
    Create network rules to allow access to your Snowflake account from Kumo running as a Native app. The Snowflake connectors used by Kumo to access objects in your account require using certain hostnames which need to be added to the firewall for access.