Snowflake Native Application
Kumo runs as a Snowflake Native App using Snowpark Container Services, a fully managed container offering designed to facilitate the deployment, management, and scaling of applications within the Snowflake ecosystem. This approach allows Snowflake customers to easily and securely share complex containerized applications, with complete control of their application.
Retain Snowflake’s security, compliance, and governance
Kumo runs inside of your Snowflake environment and inherits all Snowflake security, governance rules, and capabilities (e.g., column and row-level security). This allows you to seamlessly integrate with existing data management workflows and policies by directly using Snowflake as the data storage and processing platform, leveraging Snowflake's single sign-on (SSO) for authentication.
Control all data inside Snowflake
When using Kumo in Snowflake, no data leaves your Snowflake environment. Data and artifacts generated by Kumo are stored securely and within your Snowflake environment as new tables of predictions or embeddings. These tables comply with Snowflake client data retention policies and are never accessed or managed by Kumo. Once written, the predictions and embeddings can be called directly by other services for use in business operations.
Manage access:
As a Snowflake user, you maintain complete control on what objects Kumo has access to using Snowflake’s access control mechanisms. You must explicitly grant permission to any objects that require access to Kumo; permissions can be revoked or revised at any point in time.
Build on top of Snowflake
Kumo’s seamless integration with the Snowflake data platform allows you to reuse existing Snowflake workloads like ETL and EDA and code.
Improve Model Performance
Kumo improves accuracy by eliminating hand-crafted feature engineering, instead learning embeddings directly from raw relational data, while providing advanced controls that enable data scientists to add business value at each step.
Answer business questions in hours - not months
Kumo learns directly from your Snowflake tables, eliminates time-consuming feature engineering, and uses AI to generate a model in hours, not months. Furthermore, Kumo’s automated pipelines keep models fresh so the AI always learns from the latest Snowflake tables.
Updated 25 days ago